Translation service

Part of the church services will be translated live into English , Farsi and Ukrainian. In this way, foreign guests in Hattem can largely follow a church service. Other languages are available on request. This translation is done automatically with the help of software (Kefas). This software takes care of the translation and forwards it to Telegram.

Anyone who wants a translation on a phone or a tabloid during a church service just needs to install the app “Telegram” and join a Telegram group where you receive the translation. You can join one or more groups by scanning the QR code or following the link of the Telegram groups below.

By default, we translate to English , Farsi and Ukrainian. By request, other languages are possible.

For more information on the possibilities, please send an e-mail to

Telegram groups



[Farsi] – default not active; ask for activation at your visit
[Francais] – default not active; ask for activation at your visit
[Deutsch] – default not active; ask for activation at your visit


Telegram group: HattemChurch [English]


All Open Poort Telegram groups